Newsletter Vol 1 - Feb 2024

DigiNerve Buzz (Monthly Newsletter – February 2024, Vol -1)

January 17, 2024

DigiNerve is constantly evolving to enhance your experience while you’re on your journey to becoming a Top Doc. We are excited to bring you the latest updates with our commitment to ensure a seamless journey on the go.

Read on the February edition (Vol – 1) of our monthly newsletter to know the latest updates.



PostGrad Course Updates

Ophthalmology MD:-

1. Chat show on ‘Bivariate Descriptive Statistics’ by Dr. Annamalai Odayappan and Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna has been added to the course.

Learning Outcomes of the chat show are:

  • To understand the different graphs used to describe the relationship between two variables.
  • To understand linear regression.
  • To understand scatterplots, side-by-side box plots, bar charts, contingency table.

A total of 22 new MCQs have been added to the ‘Cornea’ module in the following topics:

  • Graft Rejection: Treatment topic (12 new MCQs)
  • Cornea: Physiology and Biochemistry topic (10 new MCQs)


Medicine MD:-

1. 11 new MCQs have been added to the following topics in the ‘Long Case Discussion – Cardiology’ section:

  • A Case of Aortic Regurgitation: Anatomy, Etiology and Pathophysiology (6 new MCQs)
  • A Case of Aortic Regurgitation: Clinical Findings and Management (5 new MCQs)



The following four new video lectures have been added to the course:

Topic Faculty Section Module
Non-herpetic Genital Ulcers Dr. Aruna Verma Gynecology Pathology/infection of the female external genitalia
Mullerian Anomalies Dr. Narendra Malhotra Gynecology Developmental anomalies of the genital tract
Diabetes in Pregnancy Dr. Sunil Bansal Obstetrics Medical disorders in pregnancy
Gastrointestinal Disorders in Pregnancy Dr. Himanshu Yadav Obstetrics Medical disorders in pregnancy


Exam Prep Course Updates


Critical Care Simplified:-

11 new video lectures on the following topics have been added to the course:

Topic Faculty
Section: The Respiratory System
Normal Physiology of Respiratory System Dr. Khalid Khatib
Respiratory Monitoring in Critical Care Dr. Anand Tiwari
Community-Acquired Pneumonia – Typical and Atypical Dr. Sunitha Binu Varghese
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Dr. Jignesh shah
Cardiopulmonary Interactions During Mechanical Ventilation Dr. Subhal Dixit
How to Ventilate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Dr. Kapil Zirpe
How to Ventilate in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Dr. Sameer Jog
How to Set and Titrate Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Dr. Bhushan Nagarkar
Trouble Shooting and Weaning from Ventilator Dr. Urvi Shukla
Rescue Therapies in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) – ECMO and ECCO2R Dr. Nilesh Mahale
Section: Metabolic Emergencies
Electrolyte Imbalances in ICU Dr. Sachin Patil



Non-subscribers to the Medicine MD and Surgery MS course shall also be able to partially access the DxTx feature from 16th February 2024.


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