Important Topics of FMT in MBBS

Important Topics of FMT in MBBS

Important Topics of FMT in MBBS

August 10, 2023

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology subject is included in the third prof of the MBBS curriculum. The main objective of teaching forensic medicine to undergraduate students is to create a doctor who is knowledgeable about medico-legal duty while practicing medicine. You will also be able to make observations and draw conclusions using logical inquiries into criminal situations and related medicolegal issues in the proper direction. You learn about applying law to medical practice, and adherence to medical ethics regulations.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

According to the CBME curriculum, the MBBS prof exam of the Forensic Medicine and Toxicology subject comprises one theory exam of 100 marks, and the practical examination (Practical/Clinical + Viva) of 100 marks. The theoretical exam has a variety of question types, such as structured essays (long answer questions, or LAQ), short response questions, and objective questions (MCQs and IBQs).

Recommended Books of FMT

Recommended books for FMT in MBBS include Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Recent Advances in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (Volume-1 and 2) by Gautam Biswas, The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by KS Narayan Reddy and OP Murty, Forensic Medicine by J Magendran, and The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by KS Narayan Reddy.

Subject Weightage of FMT in NEET-PG and INI-CET

Concentrate on early preparation for both professional exams and competitive entrance exams, especially when you want to pursue postgraduate study. The two main entrance examinations in India are NEET-PG/NExT and INI-CET to get admission into PG courses. The subject weightage of the FMT subject is about 10 questions in NEET-PG and 8 questions in the INI-CET entrance examination.

Important Topics of FMT for MBBS Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination

High-yielding topics are a crucial component of a productive study plan that will improve your test-taking efficiency. You must carefully schedule your study sessions, giving priority to time management, the course’s high-yielding themes, and, most importantly, your health. FMT in MBBS is a multidisciplinary subject and is among the high-scoring subjects. The subject requires frequent revision for better retention.

Here’s a list of high-yielding topics of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for NEET-PG, INI-CET, and MBBS Prof exams:

Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics

Functions of MCI

Functions of SMC

Professional Misconduct and Penal Erasure

Difference between Professional Negligence and Infamous Misconduct

Consent: Types, Exceptions, Age of Consent, Inform Consent, False Consent

Difference between Civil and Criminal Negligence

Res Ipsa Loquitur

Defenses against negligence

Acts Related to Medical Practice

Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994

Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012

The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Legal Procedure


Courts of Law

Difference between Dying Declaration and Dying Deposition

Exceptions to Oral Evidence

Duties of a doctor in the witness box

Capital Punishment

Type of Evidence and Witness



Cephalic index


Age determination by dentition, x-rays, and mandible

Gustafson’s method

MLI of age

MLI of scar, tattoo marks


Fingerprint Identification

Difference between antemortem and PM clot



Forensic Psychiatry




Difference between psychosis and neurosis

Lucid interval


Testamentary capacity

Section 84 IPC


Erectile Dysfunction and Sterility

Impotence, Sterility, Frigidity, Quod


Artificial Insemination

Surrogate mother

Causes of erectile dysfunction and sterility in males

Causes of impotence and sterility in females

Virginity, pregnancy, and delivery


Difference between true virgin and false virgin

Presumptive, probable, and positive signs of pregnancy

Superfecundation and superfetation and their MLI

Difference between nulliparous and parous uterus

Sexual Offences

Classification of sexual offences

Section 375 IPC

Punishment of rape 376 IPC

Examination of rape victim/survivor

Locard’s exchange principle



Sexual paraphilias types

Exhibitonism, frotteurism/toucherism

Seminal strains test


Grievous hurt, section 320 IPC

Joule burn

Classification of thermal injuries

Heat hyperpyrexia/Heat stroke


Difference between pugilistic attitude and rigor mortis

Skull fractures

Extradural/Epidural hematoma

Bullet types

Components of gun powder




Ectopic/Migratory bruise

Fabricated/forged wounds

Intracranial hemorrhages

Cold injuries- frostbite

Would ballistics


Causes/Classification of asphyxia deaths


Difference between hanging and strangulation

Cafe coronary syndrome

Post-mortem examination of a drowning case

Diatom test

Sexual asphyxia


Rigor mortis/Stiffness of death

Cadaveric spasm

Heat stiffening

Order of putrefaction


Brain stem death

Cause, manner, and mode of death

Sudden death

Tache noire

Infanticide and Child Abuse

Hydrostatic test

Cause of infant death

Shaken baby syndrome or infantile whiplash syndrome

Difference between live born, dead born, and stillborn fetus

Hydrostatic test


Section 284 IPC

Classification of poison

Organophosphorus compounds poisoning

Alphos poisoning


Chronic arsenic poisoning


Phossy jaw/Lucifer’s jaw/Glass jaw


Difference between true and artificial bruise

Signs and symptoms of Ophitoxemia

Snake poisoning

Section 85 IPC

Widmark’s formula


Date rape drugs


Poat-mortem artefacts

Transportation injuries

Confirmatory tests for blood

Medico-legal application of blood groups

Precipitin methods

To get conceptual clarity in the FMT modules and learn in a simplified manner, subscribe to DigiNerve’s online FMT course. The Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for UnderGrads course is well conceptualized by eminent faculty, Dr. Gautam Biswas according to the CBME curriculum. Application-based learning has been given top priority, and even the test question format is created to gauge students’ clinical expertise.   The training is designed for medical students to help them be ready for both their university examinations and the NEET PG/NExT Exam. The lectures for the course cover every relevant topic in an interesting manner. In order to help students comprehend ideas better, the course includes flowcharts, animations, brief films, diagrams, and well-integrated MCQs.

Click here to know the right way to approach FMT in MBBS.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What are the important topics of FMT in MBBS?

Ans. The important topics of FMT in MBBS include Legal Procedure, Identification, Thanatology, Asphyxia, Injuries, Rape, General toxicology, OPC poisoning, Snakebite, Medicinal poisoning, Autopsy, fingerprint identification, Burns, Skull fracture, and more.

Q2. Which are the recommended books of Anatomy for MBBS students?

Ans. Recommended books for FMT in MBBS include Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Recent Advances in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (Volume-1 and 2) by Gautam Biswas, The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by KS Narayan Reddy and OP Murty, Forensic Medicine by J Magendran, and The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by KS Narayan Reddy.

Q3. What is the weightage of FMT in the NEET PG exam?

Ans. The weightage of FMT in NEET PG is approximately 10 questions.

Q4. Where can I find an affordable yet comprehensive online course for forensic medicine?

The best forensic medicine online course 2023 is Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for UnderGrads by Dr. Gautam Biswas. The course is comprehensive, clinically up-to-date, and quite affordable.

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