SCTIMST Trivandrum

SCTIMST, Trivandrum

SCTIMST, Trivandrum: Courses, Admission Process, Fee Structure & Stipend

November 7, 2023

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) is a premium medical institution and is among the top 10 medical colleges in India, according to the NIRF Ranking. The college is in Trivandrum, Kerala. It is recognized as an Institution of National Importance with the status of a University under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The college focuses on advanced superspecialty postgraduate training programs in medical specialties and health research. The major branches SCTIMST targets are:

  • Interventional radiology
  • Interventional stroke care
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Advanced cardiothoracic and vascular surgery
  • Surgery for epilepsy
  • Micro neurosurgery
  • Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders
  • Development of new biomedical devices and products
  • Evaluation of medical devices to global specifications

SCTIMST offers admission to various Postgraduate courses, Post Doctoral Fellowship courses, Post Doctoral Certificate courses, PG Diplomas, Diplomas, Specialty Nursing Diploma programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, and Ph.D. programs. It further conducts new academic programs and health science research and training for medical professionals.



MD Transfusion Medicine

Course Duration: 3 years

General Eligibility: For the January batch, the candidates must have completed the necessary education, training, and employment by January 31, 2024; for the July batch, the deadline is July 31, 2024.

Registration with the Kerala State Medical Council (KSMC)/Travancore Cochin Medical Council (TCMC) is mandatory, and at the time of admission, submission of a registration certificate to the Division of Academic Affairs is necessary.

Upper Age Limit:  40 years (till 1st January 2024 for the January session and 1st July 2024 for the July session). Five-year age relaxation is given for SC/ST candidates, sponsored candidates, and qualified ex-service personnel with a service of not less than five years.

Mode of Selection: INI-CET (Institutes of National Importance-Common Entrance Test)

Stipend: The stipend (per month in INR) for MD candidates (except for sponsored category candidates) is Rs. 61,300 for all three years. Other HRA, NPA, DA, and DA on TA are applicable as per Institute rules.

Table: List of PG courses along with number of seats and eligibility qualification

Course Number of Seats Eligibility Qualification (NMC-recognised)
General Quota Sponsored Quota
MD in Transfusion Medicine 2 (UR) 1 MBBS or equivalent degree



Ph.D. Program

The institute provides PhD admission to various areas of Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences/Biomedical Sciences, Bioengineering, Biomaterial Science and Technology, Health Sciences, and Medical Science. The admission to Ph.D. courses at SCTIMST is conducted twice a year, in June and November for July and January sessions respectively. Admission to the July session is restricted to fellowship holders and MPhil (Biomedical Technology-SCTIMST) degree holders only.

The PhD Programs are available in the following areas:

  • Neurosciences
  • Cardiac Sciences
  • Imaging Sciences & Interventional Radiology

Eligibility Qualification: MBBS/MD/MS/DNB

In the case of an MBBS degree, a minimum of 55% marks are required along with holders of National Level fellowship from UGC/CSIR/ICMR.

Course Duration: Three to five years.

Selection Process: The selection is done via a written test followed by an interview. The JRF holders are exempted from written tests and can directly appear for an interview.

You are required to submit a Research Proposal (about 1000 words) and a Statement of Purpose for undertaking a research career (about 300 to 500 words).

Registration to Kerala State Medical Council (KSMC)/Travancore Cochin Medical Council (TCMC) is mandatory at the time of admission.

Number of Fellowships and Reservations: The institute offers a total of six institute fellowships and four ST category fellowships.

Table: List of Important Dates for PhD Admissions

Particulars Date
The deadline for applying for admission to PhD and Integrated PhD programs 30th November 2023, 05.00 p.m.
Date of entrance examination 11th December, 2023
Date of interview 12th December, 2023
Mode of conduct of entrance examination Computer Based Test (CBT)
Mode of conduct of interview for PhD and integrated PhD Hybrid mode
Centres (State/Union Territory/City) at which the CBT will be conducted Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Assam, and Thiruvananthapuram.

Integrated Courses

There are three integrated courses available at SCTIMST, Trivandrum

  • Integrated MD-PhD program
  • Integrated DM-PhD program
  • Integrated MCh-PhD program

Course Duration: 5 Years

Course Curriculum: The course is divided into two phases. The first phase comprises the first three years, i.e.,1st, 2nd, and 3rd years that follow the MD/DM/MCh syllabus depending on the enrolled course including clinics. The second phase comprises the last two years, i.e., the 4th and 5th years that are dedicated to research.

General Eligibility: The following are the eligibility criteria for admission to the integrated MD-PhD, DM-PhD, and MCh-PhD programs at SCTIMST, Bangalore:

  • The integrated programs are only open to first-year residents accepted into SCTIMST’s standard MD/DM/MCh program.
  • The resident must enroll in the integrated Ph.D. program within six months of enrolling in SCTIMST’s MD/DM/MCh program.
  • Registration to Kerala State Medical Council (KSMC)/Travancore Cochin Medical Council (TCMC) is mandatory and at the time of admission, submission of a registration certificate to the Division of Academic Affairs is mandatory.

Upper Age Limit:  40 years (as of 1st January 2024 for the January session and 1st July 2024 for the July session).

Five-year age relaxation is given for SC/ST candidates, sponsored candidates, and qualified Ex-service personnel with a service of more than five years.

Mode of Selection:

For MD/DM/MCh: INI-SS entrance examination

For Integrated MD-Ph.D./DM-Ph.D./MCh-Ph.D. programs: First-year residents are required to apply along with a Research Proposal (about 1000 words) and a Statement of Purpose for undertaking a research career (about 300 to 500 words). The selection will be done through a comprehensive viva voce examination.

Number of Seats: One seat in each specialty.

Stipend/Salary: The salary for Integrated Ph.D. candidates will be the same as MD/DM/MCh candidates for the first three years and in the fourth and fifth years, the salary will be the same as the salary of the third-year senior resident. Other HRA, NPA, DA, & DA on TA are applicable as per Institute rules.


DM and MCh Courses

Course Duration: 3 years

General Eligibility: For the January batch, the candidates must have completed the necessary education, training, and employment by January 31, 2024; for the July batch, the deadline is July 31, 2024.

Registration to Kerala State Medical Council (KSMC)/Travancore Cochin Medical Council (TCMC) is mandatory and at the time of admission, submission of a registration certificate to the Division of Academic Affairs is mandated.

Upper Age Limit:  40 years (till 1st January 2024 for the January session and 1st July 2024 for the July session).

Five-year age relaxation is given for SC/ST candidates, sponsored candidates, and qualified Ex-service personnel with a service of more than five years.

Mode of Selection: INI-SS (Institutes of National Importance-Super Specialty)

Stipend: The stipend (per month) for DM and MCh candidates (except for sponsored category candidates) are as follows:

  • Ist Year: Rs. 74,000
  • IInd Year: Rs. 76,200
  • IIIrd Year: Rs. 78,500

Other HRA, NPA, DA, & DA on TA are applicable as per Institute rules.

Table: List of DM courses at SCTIMST along with number of seats, and eligibility qualification

Course Number of Seats Eligibility Qualification (NMC-recognised)
General Quota Sponsored Quota
DM Cardiology


8 3 MD/DNB in General Medicine/Pediatrics /Equivalent degree
DM Neurology


6 3 MD/DNB in General Medicine/Pediatrics /Equivalent degree
DM Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology


4 1 MD/DNB Radiology/Radiodiagnosis/ Equivalent degree
DM Cardiovascular Imaging and Vascular Interventional Radiology


3 1 MD/DNB Radiology/Radiodiagnosis/ Equivalent degree
DM Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anaesthesia


8 3 MD/DNB in Anaesthesia/Equivalent degree
DM Neuroanaesthesia


7 2 MD/DNB in Anaesthesia/Equivalent degree

Table: List of MCh courses at SCTIMST along with the number of seats, and eligibility qualification

Course Number of Seats Eligibility Qualification (NMC-recognised)
General Quota Sponsored Quota
M.Ch. Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery


6 2 MS/DNB in General Surgery/Equivalent degree
M.Ch. Neurosurgery (after MS)


4 2 MS/DNB in General Surgery/Equivalent degree
M.Ch. Vascular Surgery


1 0 MS/DNB in General Surgery/Equivalent degree

Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) Courses (Post DM/MCh/DNB)

Course Duration: One year

Educational Qualification: DM/MCh (3 years) or equivalent qualification

General Eligibility: Registration with KSMC/TCMC.

Admission must include biodata and a 500-word write-up on the work/ project proposal along with the submission of a Reference letter.

Upper Age Limit:  40 years (till 1st January 2024 for the January session and 1st July 2024 for the July session).

Five-year age relaxation is given for SC/ST candidates, sponsored candidates, and qualified Ex-service personnel with a service of not less than five years.

Method of Selection:

Application shortlisting is done based on the merit of a 500-word short research project proposal and letters of reference.

If there are less than 10 candidates, then the selection is done based on an open Departmental interview followed by a final interview.

If there are more than 10 candidates, the selection is done based on a written exam followed by a final interview.

Departmental interview/written exam accounts for 75% of total marks and final interview accounts for 25% of the total marks.

Salary/Stipend: The stipend (per month) for PDF candidates (except for sponsored category candidates) is Rs. 80,900 along with applicable HRA, DA, and DA on TA as per institute rules.

Table: List of PDF courses at SCTIMST available for the January 2024 session:

Department/Subspecialty Number of Seats Minimum educational qualification
Department of Neurology
Electroencephalography 01 DM (3 years) or equivalent qualification
Epilepsy 01
Movement Disorders 01
Neuromuscular Disorders 01
Stroke 01
Department of Cardiology
Adult Cardiology and Interventions 02 DM (3 years) or equivalent qualification
Cardiac Electrophysiology 02
Pediatric Cardiology 02
Department of Neurosurgery
Cerebrovascular Surgery 01 MCh (3 years) or equivalent qualification
Skull Base Neurosurgery 01
Spine Surgery 01 Post MCh Neurosurgery within 5 years of passing the MCh examination
Functional Neurosurgery 01
Department of CVTS
Adult Cardiac Surgery 01 MCh (3 years) or equivalent qualification
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 01
Department of Anaesthesiology
Pediatric cardiac Anaesthesia 02 DM (3 years) or equivalent qualification
Perioperative Neuromonitoring and Neurosurgical Intensive Care 01 Post DM Neuroanaesthesia within 5 years of passing the DM examination
Adult Cardiothoracic Vascular Anaesthesia 01 Post DM Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia within 5 years of passing the DM examination

Postdoctoral Certificate Courses

Course Duration: 01 year

Upper Age Limit:  40 years (as of 1st January 2024).

Five years age relaxation is given for SC/ST candidates, sponsored candidates, and qualified Ex-service personnel with a service of not less than five years.

Method of Selection: There is a three-step evaluation process for PDCC at SCTIMST. It includes a theory examination and departmental assessment followed by a final interview.  

Salary/Stipend: The salary/stipend (per month in Rupees) given during PDCC at SCTIMST is Rs. 74,000 along with applicable HRA, NPA, DA, and DA on TA as per institute rules.

Table: List of PDCC programs along with number of seats & eligibility qualification for the January 2024 session

PDCC Program Number of Seats Minimum Educational Qualification
PDCC in Transfusion Transmitted Disease Testing 01 Post MD Transfusion Medicine within 5 years of passing the MD examination or equivalent qualification
PDCC in Hospital Infection Control 01 Post MD Microbiology within 5 years of passing the MD examination equivalent qualification
PDCC in Neuropathology 01 Post MD Pathology within 5 years of passing the MD examination equivalent qualification


Diploma Courses

  • Diploma in Public Health (DPH)
  • Diploma in Cardiovascular & Thoracic Nursing (DCTN)
  • Diploma in Neuro- Nursing (DNN)
  • Diploma in Advanced Medical Imaging Technology (DAMIT)
  • Diploma in Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology (DOTAT)

PG Diploma Courses

  • PG Diploma in Cardiac Laboratory Technology (PGDCLT)
  • PG Diploma in Neuro Technology (PGDNT)
  • PG Diploma in Medical Records Science (PGDMRS)
  • PG Diploma in Clinical Perfusion (PGDCP)
  • PG Diploma in Blood Banking Technology (PGDBBT)

Advanced Certificate Program

  • Advanced Certificate Program in Physiotherapy in Neurological Sciences (ACP-PN)
  • Advanced Certificate Program in Physiotherapy in Cardiovascular Sciences (ACP-PC)

Joint/Affiliated Programs with IIT Madras & CMC Vellore

  • Master of Technology (M Tech) in Clinical Engineering
  • PhD (Biomedical Devices and Technology)

Affiliated Programs Conducted at Other Centres

  • Master of Public Health [(MPH) (Epidemiology and Health Systems)] at ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai
  • Master of Science (Bioengineering), PhD (Bioengineering/Biomedical Sciences/Health Sciences), and Master of Public Health (MPH) courses at Christian Medical College, Vellore


Particulars Fees (in INR)
PDF /DM/ MCh/ PDCC/MD Courses PhD and Integrated PhD (4th & 5th year) MPH DPH PG Diploma/ Diploma
Application Fee 2000

1600 (for SC/ST)


1200 (for SC/ST)


1200 (for SC/ST)


1200 (for SC/ST)


640 (for SC/ST)

Admission Fee 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 500
Tuition Fee 63,000 (annual) 20,000 (annual) For Non-sponsored candidates: 1,10,000 (2 years)

For sponsored candidates: 2,00,000 (2 years)

10,000 (annual)
Course Fee 2,00,000
Caution Fee 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Examination Fee 2,000(Part 1)

10,000 (Part 2)

1,000 250
Comprehensive Exam 6,000
Thesis Evaluation Fee 1,500 15,000
Identity Card 220 220 220 220 220
Library 1,000 1,000 500 500 200
Student Welfare Fund 1,000 1,000 500 500 200
Certificates 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 200
Miscellaneous 10,000 5,000

Must Read: NIMHANS, Bangalore: Courses, Admission Procedure, Fees & Stipend

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